Saturday, May 1, 2010

Balancing with...a yummy lunch?

I was a bad blogger this week, I didn't blog, not even once! I've been working on this super-long project for my human resources class and my week was devoted to that. The final result: 31 pages gahh it's done!!

Last night my boyfriend and I had a study date, we both had plenty of work to get done. So yes, I was productive on a Friday night. Though only know how it is studying with other people, you start talking!

Remember when I said I was going to go to lunch at Jetties? That never happened last weekend, so we went this weekend. It was absolutely delicious and it's a gorgeous day. You can see my sandwich above--it's hummus, avocado, bean sprouts, tomato, cheese, carrots, and lettuce on multigrain (I always ask for it without cheese though, I'm picky and I only like melted cheese). We ate outside and enjoyed people-watching as an Avon breast cancer walk came through. It was a sea of pink shirts! They were just passing the halfway point at 13 miles. Mind you it's 90 degrees and humid as can be, I fully admire them for walking a marathon in that heat.

Later I had a presentation for my human resources paper which means all aspects of the project are done-da-done-done. I am so very happy :) I now have 3 finals on my plate, however, I think that eating out with friends has been helping me keep my sanity. It's a good way to clear my head and remember to breathe, relax, and laugh. In years past I'd lock myself in the library and eat all my meals there. That only resulted in information overflow and everything running together. This method seems to be working better because it constantly refreshes my mind. 

That's about it for now. Eating dinner and then studying...

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