Monday, May 10, 2010

And so it comes to an end...

I haven't blogged in a while as I was quite wrapped up in finals. The only material I could have written about was the number of people next to me in the study room or the countdown of days left until finals ended. Not much else more exciting than that! So I spared you all :) 

I am now back home--had a great last weekend. My dad drove down Saturday morning and helped me move out. I couldn't imagine moving houses...moving out of a dorm was enough! The hardest part was all those little chotchkies hanging around, so much detail. After everything was finally moved out and the car was filled to the brim, we headed off for a nice last day in DC. First was lunch, then shopping in Georgetown for mother's day, then we went back to the hotel, rested, and got some dinner. Early the next morning we hit the road and had a nice smooth trip back. 

Home is great. Family time, quiet room, lots of time to decompress. 

Today I've been busy, I went to my mom's French class lunch (they do a lunch every now and then). I got to practice my French which was nice. In addition I got to see my former French teacher, who was here visiting from Zurich (where she now lives). The lunch was hosted by Isabelle, the French teacher of my mom's class. I find it so interesting the way people from other countries have such a different heir to them. I couldn't quite place it, but just the way Isabelle carries herself and presents everything is different, but a nice different. The other women in the French class are American so no other base of comparison there. My former French teacher is French but she became an American citizen. She's lived in so many other countries as well, so she has an interesting mélange of cultures. 

Soooo after that I went to the beach to promote the summer play group I've created. It'll be for 3-4 yr olds every morning in the summer. I'll do an interactive Spanish lesson with them (early language learning is the best time to do it) as well as other activities such as arts and crafts, music, games, and cooking. I handed out free lemonade and fliers. Hopefully this program works out! It's the first year I've tried something like this. 

And that's the story. 

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