Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some DC Fun and a Lovely Day in the Library...

Guess whose house I went to yesterday? America's! Twice a year the White House gardens are open to the public--once in the spring and once in the fall. It was relatively easy to go. My boyfriend and I walked over to 15th and E street where there is a visitor's center. We arrived around 1:15 and were given tickets for 1:45, which meant we were allowed to get on line to go in at that time. To kill our half hour we walked around making fun of the hoards of tourists. Yes I'll admit it, we're a little mean. But just a little. It's just that the huge-camera-fanny-pack-sandals-and-socks-map-the-size-of-a-horse look is a funny one to sport ;) I'll spare you any more of that...on to the white house! Once we passed through "airport security" (metal detectors, pat-downs, and bag checks) we were officially in the White House South Garden. It was so surreal just walking around the president's back yard. We saw the rose garden, the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, the Oval Office, the Putting Green, the West Wing, and the new White House Kitchen Garden (an herb and vegetable garden recently planted by Mrs. Obama and some elementary school children). We also enjoyed looking at pictures that were set up along the grounds for us to look at. My personal favorite was the picture of Caroline Kennedy on her pony "Macaroni," following her dad. It was quite adorable, but I must say, she should have been wearing a helmet! I have suffered one too many horse accidents. The weather also could not have been more perfect. Sunny skies, mid-60s, and a slight breeze. We spent about a half hour in the garden and then we went to lunch at Cosí. I had a hummus and veggie sandwich on whole grain. It was nothing gourmet, but did the job. Then it was lentil soup and a little leftover pasta for dinner--healthy and soothing. 

After a wonderful Saturday, today had to be spent a bit more productively-- in the library. First, I planned the majority of my Human Resources project/final paper. It took a while, but it feels good to have put a mildly-sized dent in the work. Now I am in the process of studying for a marketing quiz that I will take tomorrow. I still have a ways to go before I call it a night, so I should get back to it. Plus it is past dinner time...I should go eat. I'm thinking avocado and melted soy cheese on a whole wheat wrap. I know, my vegetarian ways are oh-so-appetizing. But trust me, it's actually really good! 

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